Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Beauty Everywhere

Cow Parsnip 

Portland Rose Garden

Multnomah Falls

There is so much to see near Portland Oregon.  The Rose Garden is exquisite!  I could have spent hours there taking in the aroma and abundance of beauty.  I can honestly say that I have never seen a flower, or flowering weed that I do not like, but roses are definitely a favorite.
 Multnomah Fall on the Columbia River, is another amazing sight.  We ate breakfast the The Lodge next to the falls, while enjoying a great view.

The Oregon Coast

Mt Hood from our window

Little fairy houses in the forest

The drive across the bridge to Washington State

North Head Lighthouse

Cape Disappointment Lighthouse

Cape Disappointment
As soon as we saw Mt Hood covered in snow from our aircraft window, I knew it would be a great trip. Nothing is better than seeing snow in June when you live in Arizona. It was also lovely to see so much water.  Being on the bridge to Washington brought back memories of going to Lake Erie, (Cedar Point) when I was young.  The first sight and smell of the water is an instant mood elevator.  The crashing waves, the lighthouses, cool breezes...  I am not sure why the Coast Guard station is named Cape Disappointment, but I can tell you, I was not disappointed!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Breakfast in the Garden

Sunflowers are in bloom

Dessert Willow Tree

Charentais Cantaloupe

This morning as I was watering my garden I noticed a sweet fragrance. It almost smelled like bubblegum. That is when I realized I must have a ripe melon!  I planted these adorable  Charentais melons in the spring.   I swoon over anything French, and have always had good luck with cantaloupe in our 100 degree plus weather, so I decided to give them a try.  They are small, and packed with sweet juicy goodness.  Perfect for a morning snack while enjoying the garden in bloom.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Butterfly Wonderland

I recently visited the new Butterfly Wonderland butterfly house with a friend. We witnessed an amazing display of tropical butterflies from all over the world.  The butterfly with orange tips ( I believe it is called an Orange Tipped Butterfly) reminded me of orange sherbet.  After being in a hot steamy butterfly house on a hot day in Arizona, we began our quest for ice cream and ended up at the Sugar Bowl in Scottsdale.  Yes, I ordered a scoop of orange sherbet!