Monday, July 28, 2014

The High Country

The Little Colorado River in Springerville Arizona

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

Mourning Cloak with wings open


Little Colorado River in Greer AZ
Hoary Comma Butterfly
Hoary Comma Butterfly, wings open

Painted Lady Butterfly

Diurnal Moth, Ctenucha cressonana

Ruddy Copper butterfly

Small Wood-Nymph butterfly
We headed East this weekend to the White Mountains, hoping to see some rain.  It looked promising for a while, but the sun was with us every day.  Summer was showing her colors in Greer on Saturday.  The Little Colorado River was in full bloom, and there were dozens of butterflies and moths enjoying the day as well.

1 comment:

ginny said...

Wow, there are some amazing shots of beautiful bugs here!!