Sunday, April 7, 2013

Now Blooming

Globe Mallow

Bachelors Buttons

Passion Flower

Mexican Bird of Paradise


Blanket Flower

                      Not a Hummingbird!

I love my yard in the spring. There are flowers that come back every year to be enjoyed, and then there are surprises.  ( I am always throwing down old seeds in the garden on a rainy day to see if they will sprout).  I don't remember planting the Bachelors Buttons, so when they started blooming I was thrilled.  I love their blue-purple color.  The other surprise I found in the garden yesterday, was not a flower, but a Gila Woodpecker on the hummingbird feeder.   Looks like he stopped by for Happy Hour.  It made me laugh...

1 comment:

ginny said...

So so pretty! What a difference just a couple of weeks makes... and that woodpecker is soooo funny!